Event 1 - Multidisciplinary science & what is the place of Early Career Researchers in the Antarctic research community?
When: Tuesday 12th from 13:30-14:30. Please collect your lunch bag and come join us!
Where: Room B
Antarctic science is a unique example for multidisciplinary research as it cuts across an array of disciplines such as glaciology, oceanography, geology, numerical modeling and addresses a range of time-scales. This makes interdisciplinarity an integral element for young polar researchers to learn and advance their research career. The Early Career Researchers Committee of the SCAR INSTANT Program proposes a lunch discussion with Richard Jones and Sophie Nowicki who both have exhibited remarkable leadership and excellence in designing and leading multi-disciplinary research projects in Antarctica. The discussion will focus on: what is “multi-disciplinary” research, how to develop personal multi-disciplinary skills, how to work in large interdisciplinary groups, how to integrate the paleo, present and future realms in proxies, numerical models and observations, and how we can make INSTANT an ideal platform for young researchers. But not only! We invite you to complete the following online form with your suggestions on questions/discussion points that YOU are most interested in. The form is open until the 8th of September here.
Event 2 - Connecting with policy-makers: how to be heard and trigger actions as an ECR?
When: Wednesday 13th from 13:30-14:30. Please collect your lunch bag and come join us!
Where: Room B.
For this second lunch-time discussion, the Early Career Researchers Committee of the SCAR INSTANT Programme proposes to focus on the topic “Connecting with policy-makers: how to be heard and trigger actions as an ECR?“.
Antarctica is a key component of the Earth climate system and global warming is putting its stability at risk which will have large impacts on our society, as highlighted by the sixth IPCC report. Despite all the evidence that we, as scientists, have published about all the present and future consequences on our planet, it seems that the reality and urgency of it is still not being heard from our political leaders.
This is why we would like to organize a round-table about how and when to effectively communicate our science and its implications to policy-makers in particular. The discussion will welcome three guest speakers : Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Jochen Hinkel and Pam Pearson. They will share their experience in the science-for-policy world and how they started to be involved. We will then kick-off an open discussion with everyone about the do’s and dont’s of science-for-policy interactions. We hope this can also help to create a network of keen policy communicators within our INSTANT ECR community. We invite you to complete the following online form with your suggestions on questions/discussion points that YOU are most interested in. The form is open until the 8th of September here.