Quentin Dalaiden is a Research Fellow at the Earth and Life Institute in Belgium. He received his PhD in Climatology in 2021 under the supervision of Hugues Goosse, with a strong collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey, including Liz Thomas. His research focuses on understanding historical changes in the Antarctic hydroclimate, with a particular focus on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. He is mainly interested in putting recent observed climate changes into a larger context by investigating the role of natural and forced variability at the centennial and multi-decadal timescale. Most of this research relies on paleoclimate observations from various natural archives (e.g., ice cores, trees, corals, etc) and climate model simulations performed with Earth System Models. Particularly, he combines these two sources of information using data assimilation, which makes use of the maximum potential of observations and the physics of the climate to provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the climate state over the present and past.
Université catholique de louvain