New Zealand Antarctic Science Platform

Aimee, from New Zealand, is of Māori descent and belongs to the tribes of Ngāi Tahu, Te Arawa and Ngā Puhi. Aimee’s life and career is centred around realising tino rangatiratanga (tribal self-determination) and living by the tribal philosophy of Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – For us and our children after us.
Aimee works for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the tribal governing body of the Ngāi Tahu people. She also owns a small boutique consultancy specialising in evaluation and building capability in project storytelling. She is an experienced director and governor, and a strong advocate for intergenerational wealth and well-being; a thriving healthy people and living environment.
Aimee is Joint Chair of the Kahui Māori (Cultural Advisory) for the New Zealand Antarctic Science Platform. She has a particular interest in the role science and mātauranga Māori (Indigenous knowledge) plays in whānau (family) and hapori (community) well-being, and the critical planning required for their futures.
For information on registration, abstract submission, accommodation and fieldtrips:
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