The abstract body should be short (100–300 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
A maximum of 5 references (max 200 characters each).
A maximum of 15 co-authors is allowed in the abstract.
Mathematical symbols and equations are not allowed.
A maximum of two abstracts can be submitted (one oral and one poster).
Submission of the same abstract for more than one day is not allowed. Duplicates identified by the programme committee will be rejected.
If you have submitted your abstract to the wrong session, and notice before the abstract submission deadline, do not withdraw your abstract but contact us at instead.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the INSTANT Conference Scientific Committee.
The official language of the INSTANT Conference is English. Simultaneous interpretation is not provided. It is therefore expected that authors will be able to present their research more or less fluently in the English language.